Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spicy Chicken Zucchini Ribbon + Enokitake Mushroom 辣炒西胡蘆絲帶金針菇

  1. Enokitake, also Enokidake or Enoki, is a long, thin white mushroom used in East Asian cuisine. These mushrooms are cultivars of Flammulina velutipes, also known by the name golden needle mushroom or lily mushroom.

Turmeric Orzo Pasta With Curry 黃薑麵顆粒+咖咖哩

Orzo looks very much like a fine-grained rice, but it's actually a form of wheat-based pasta ... which makes it most definitely not gluten-free.In fact, "orzo" means "barley" in Italian, even though the pasta most commonly is made from wheat semolina flour, not from barley. Either way, the results wouldn't suit someone who has celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.— both wheat and barley are gluten grains, and off-limits on the gluten-free diet.

Shanghai Xiaolongbao 上海小籠包子

  1. Xiaolongbao is a type of steamed bun from the Jiangnan region of China, especially associated with Shanghai and Wuxi. It is traditionally prepared in xiaolong, small bamboo steaming baskets, which give them their name.